07-12-2011, 07:04 AM
بهمنیار نوشته: درود بر شما من به ایشان ایمیل می زنم ولی به نگر می رسد که در واقع می خواهم بگویم دفترچه نمی تواند از ایشان به طور رسمی دعوت کند مثلا ادمین یک کسی را بیابیم که با ایشان آشنا باشد
به این به هیچ رو نیازی نبود پاسخی برای من به فرستادند. البته من دیروز برای ایشان نامه فرستادم. بدین وسیله از زحمات اقای دکتر علی سینا سپاسگزارم.
نقل قول:Bahram Jaan,گمان کنم این بخش نیز به مهربد نوشته شده است
Thank you for your interest in translating Understanding Muhammad to Parsi. I am attaching the first four chapters of the latest version. I am still working on the rest and I will send them to you as soon as it is complete.
This book will go to print in November. Although I have no objection to offer the translations of it in languages spoken by Muslims for free, the English version is for sale. It is not for free download or file sharing.
Please find the first half of the book attached. Please don’t do the table of content. I will do it when the translation is completet. MS Words offers a simple way of doing the table of content and the index.
You need a password to open the file. The password is your email address bahmanyar68@yahoo.com
نقل قول:Kind regards and thank you for the list of Persian words posted on your site. I am very happy to see we are reviving our own beautiful language and throwing out the Arabic words. But I sometimes don’t understand the new Persian. Your short dictionary helps.
Baa drood