02-04-2014, 03:34 PM
Russell نوشته: چه باحال، من نمیدانستم، بالاخره یک پدیدهیِ ایرانی پیدا کردیم که بهش افتخار کنیم lol

البته نام درست او ولیزاده است من نمیدانم چرا گفتم وزیری!
داریوش ولیزاده. پروفایل او در «بازگشت پادشاهان» بسیار بامزه است:
نقل قول:Roosh is an ugly misogynist with massive mommy issues. He created ROK in October 2012 because he has no friends. Currently he is traveling the world to have bad sex with poor girls who want to use him for an American greencard. His little penis is so ineffective at satisfying women that he has had to master the art of cunnilingus. It is absolutely certain that he will die alone in a basement alongside his massive porn collection. Sadly, his right hand is irreversibly deforming into a claw shape from excessive masturbation, causing him sharp pains when he types up one of his offensive rants. You can visit his sexist blog at RooshV.com or follow him on Twitter and Facebook
زنده باد زندگی!