08-11-2012, 10:00 AM
khayyam نوشته: در حال سرچ در ژورنال های علمی برای تحقیقات درباره ی الکل بودم که به این دو مورد برخوردم به نظرم جالب اومد:
drinking alcohol in moderate quantities can reduce the risk of asthma, according to danish researchers.
people who drink small amounts of alcohol regularly are less likely to be obese than people who do not drink at all. A study published today in the open access journal bmc public health shows that consuming no more than a drink or two a few times a week reduces the risk of being obese. Consuming four or more drinks per day, however, increases the risk of being obese by 46%.
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این تحقیقی در مورد اثرات مفید احتمالی روی آسم هست...
نقل قول:the study, presented at the european respiratory society's annual congress in amsterdam, found that drinking 1-6 units of alcohol a week could reduce the risk of developing the condition.
the research examined 19,349 twins between the ages of 12 and 41 yrs of age. All participants completed a questionnaire at the start and end of the study to compare alcohol intake with the risk of developing asthma over 8 yrs
نقل قول:previous studies have found a link between excessive intake of alcohol and asthma attacks; however, this is the first study of its kind to show a link between alcohol intake and the onset of asthma for adults over a long period of time.
sofie lieberoth, from the bispebjerg hospital in denmark, said: "whilst excessive alcohol intake can cause health problems, the findings of our study suggest that a moderate intake of 1-6 units can reduce the risk of developing asthma. by examining all the factors linked with the development of asthma, we can understand more about what causes the condition and how to prevent it."
تحقیق دیگه ای هم هست در مورد جلوگیری از چاقی توسط الکل...
نقل قول:ahmed arif, from texas tech university health sciences center, in lubbock, usa and james rohrer, from mayo clinic, rochester, usa, analysed the results of the national health and nutrition examination survey iii in a subset of 8,236 non-smoker respondents. The respondents had all filled a questionnaire about their drinking habits and their body mass index (bmi) had been measured.
نقل قول:the mechanisms of the protective effect of alcohol on obesity are not well understood and the authors emphasise that "the data give no evidence to advise non-drinkers to start drinking alcohol just for reducing body weight."
they add: "however, the evidence reported here argues against a strategy of promoting complete abstention at least among those who regularly consume alcohol."