05-23-2014, 07:50 AM
undead_knight نوشته: از لحاظ لذت من فکر میکنم کیر خور به کس لیس نزدیک تر باشه ها،البته خب تجربه شخصیه شاید تجربه بقیه متفاوت باشه:))
ولی از لحاظ جنین شناسی هم labia majora در زنان ، معادل scrotum در مردان هست و در واقع یه منشا دارن ... پس داریوش حرفش درسته

Labioscrotal swelling - WiKi
The labioscrotal swellings (genital swellings or labioscrotal folds) are paired structures in the human embryo that represent the final stage of development of the caudal end of the external genitals before sexual differentiation. In both males and females, the two swellings merge:
- [*=left]In the female, they become the posterior labial commissure. The sides of the genital tubercle grow backward as the genital swellings, which ultimately form the labia majora; the tubercle itself becomes the mons pubis. In contrast, the labia minora are formed by the urogenital folds.[SUP][1][/SUP]
[*=left]In the male, they become the scrotum.