Russell نوشته: برای نمونه کلیسای امروز بکلی هک شده
ولی همچنان مورد حمله است و انگل ما همچنان تظاهر میکند که در نبردی
از پایین به بالا و نابرابر در حال مبارزه با شیطان است. لینک را نخواندی؟
چرا آن بخش یکم را نگاه سرسری انداخته بودم ولی چیزی سر در نیاوردم.
اینبار تا سه بخش را بخوبی خواندم:
How Dawkins got pwned (part 2) | Unqualified Reservations (backup)
How Dawkins got pwned (part 3) | Unqualified Reservations (backup)
و نوشتار را بسیار گیرا یافتم.
پارهسخنهایی که برای من از همه گیراتر بودند:
Hosts who would otherwise be tempted to notice the morbidities of infection, and attribute them to the parasite itself, must be diverted. Either their defensive energies will be directed either toward other symptoms which are in fact not serious, or they will attribute the real problems to other causes which are not in fact significant.
In all seriousness, what is the evidence for fraternism? Why, exactly, does Professor Dawkins believe that all neohominids are born with identical potential for neurological development? He doesn’t say. Perhaps he thinks it’s obvious.
Whether we call it Providence, Zeitgeist or Progress, the idea of a mysterious force that causes history to flow in some direction – which generally happens to be the right one – is called historicism. Karl Popper is your man on this one.
Needless to say, historicism is profoundly arational. It is also rampant in the West today. You can’t open a newspaper without reading some sentence that makes no sense at all unless the Zeitgeist is behind the curtain. Historicism also informs the consensus understanding of the recent past among even the best-educated Westerners today. You have to go back about 250 years – ie, to the predemocratic era – before ahistoricist explanations start to predominate.
In any case, I digress. The point is that we’ve found two thoroughly arational themes in the Universalism complex: fraternism and historicism.
این واپسین, تاریخگرایی (historicism) را در بسیاری, ب.ن. سرکار [MENTION=43]مزدك بامداد[/MENTION] نیز میتوانید رد بیابید.
این باور که تاریخ و فرگشت بسویی میرود که باید و یکجورهایی, خواه ناخواه, به سود ما خواهد بود.
نقل قول:سیستم ایمنی همان نهادهای پادشکنندهیِ جامعه هستند، که بر ضد خود
جامعه مورد استفاده قرار میگیرند،
برای نمونه چه نهادی؟
نام بردگی از Eliezer Yudkowsky آن میان نیز گیرا بود.
.Unexpected places give you unexpected returns