Ouroboros نوشته: Well you certainly took your time, I was starting to think you've been offended or something.. It's not just your activities here that made me think you're a nice guy, It's rather exactly the way you get mad and and then verbally attack someone-else. It's so cute that if people weren't already talking about us, I would have kissed ya! I know what happens in hamihan, the other guy pokes you a hundred times with a razor-sharp blade , you poke back once with a wooden stick..
And I've read your discussions with sonixax about programming, I think they ought to be the most ridiculous disagreement in this forums, ever.. I mean that was some gay sh*t man, bunch of noobs bitch-slapping each other over who's got the biggest "mouse".. but if you really think that pissing contest with sonixax was in any way "mean", what other proof do I need to present for my argument?
You should be a jerk and start crazy fights with everyone, not trying your best avoid them, life's no fun without a good fight every couple of days, this new topic about "Parsi vs. Farsi" is the third time I tried to get a rise out of you, but well, surprise, surprise! It's not working.. My philosophy in life is if someone comes after you with a blade, take it away and shove in up in where it really hurts, or as our good friend insanity wolf once said "someone hates you with no good reason? give that motherfu*ker a reason
Nobility's not good mate, It's never productive, the only thing you could achieve with it is building a much stronger and higher level of resistance in your rivals, you also might loose the chance of getting to know some very interesting folks..
Now you give us some of that old wisdom, O dear Mehrbod
Oh pleeaaaaase Amir, if we were supposed to get offended that easily, how could we even make it this far, with all these stupid Muslims out there? no way.
Anyhow, I could agree with you on the noobness of those programming discussions, but I think you missed the whole point. The way I saw that thread was someone (Russell) asking for a good programming language and consequently, a problem is defined: Finding a superior yet easy to learn programming language.
What I didn't like at all was the way the problem was approached, it was illogical and disappointing.
I like us to be smarter than that, so I tried to point out the problems in the logic, but apparently no one got the point.
I believe that it really gives us an edge to have an out-of-the-box mentality, in order to be successful in our quest: Getting rid of Islam once and for all.
That's what I was shooting for, otherwise I wouldn't care the least what programming language is superior.
And back to our "Parsi vs. Farsi" discussion, it simply comes down to whether you wanna win, or you wanna win the argument :)
You really need to give me a break in there, by explaining exactly why in hell should I be even slightly upset about the discussion, when almost everyone's agreeing with me!?
And the funny part, we have this kind-hearted and lovely Alice on one side of the argument, WHO IS already writing in PURE PERSIAN! Are You Kidding ME!? I'm already in total agreement with whatever she says, as long as she keeps that beautiful writing of hers!!
And then we've got you, who has taken a rather keen interest in Parsi lately... So yeah, I'm definitely gonna make you hate it for some inane argument over something as abstract as my character!
I mean really, I couldn't be happier about the whole thing when our new friend Unknown, came and gave us his support and insight into the matter, or when Russell, who almost always gets the point and whom I've been silently watching over to see some action, finally, brings up some positive opinion about it! And let's not forget about almost every other member who supported along the way!
If all it takes for energizing such talks, is me losing some argument so be it! I'd even gladly help you out with that! 
And about that wisdom... I don't think so, I'm too young for that.