نامنویسی انجمن درست شده و اکنون دوباره کار میکند! 🥳 کاربرانی که پیشتر نامنویسی کرده بودند نیز دسترسی‌اشان باز شده است 🌺

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Grammar check and correction

Nocturne نوشته:

Today I’ve finished the novel that I began to read lately, the novel wasn’t something extraordinary, most of you probably read it before. The novel I’m talking about is animal farm which I read it before in Persian but this time I decided to read it in English which wasn’t so easy for someone with intermediate level of English, I confronted with a lot of new word and grammatical structure that I haven’t seen before, but it wasn’t hard in a way that I can’t manage.

It’s was a good evaluation of my level in reading and understanding and I think my next novel in English will be a young adult novel that could be a little bit easier. After finishing the novel the thing I was noticed was how the meaning and the implication of the word when translated in other language can change, for example the word “Comrade” which we see a lot in this novel was translated “rafigh” in Persian which obviously can’t illustrate the point that author of this novel intended, at least not in our language.

All right let's see, your text overall is quite good for someone who claims having only "intermediate knowledge of English" E402
However, there are a few mistakes here and there:

"The novel I’m talking about is animal farm which I read it before in Persian but this time I decided to read it in English which wasn’t so easy for someone with intermediate level of English"

There aren't many grammatical mistakes per se, but all in all the sentence doesn't sound just quite right.
Firstly, you're not using enough "have" in your sentences, for instance it's much better to say:

The novel I’m talking about is animal farm which I have had read it before in Persian, but this time I decided to read it in English

instead of

The novel I’m talking about is animal farm which I read it before in Persian but this time I decided to read it in English

Secondly, your very first sentence doesn't seem correct at all:

Today I’ve finished the novel that I began to read lately

It probably should be something like:

Today I’ve finished the novel that I've begun to read lately

However, I think you did make a grammatical mistake at this point:

"I confronted with a lot of new word and grammatical structure that I haven’t seen before, but it wasn’t hard in a way that I can’t manage."

The verb "to be confronted" is not conjugated correctly, you need to say:

I was confronted with a lot ...

And following that, if you're saying "a lot of", then the noun should be in pluralized form as well:

a lot of new words and grammatical structures

Also, you're not speaking about a specific word (yet) here:

I was noticed was how the meaning and the implication of [strike]the[/strike] words when...

And the best preposition for the verb "to translate" is probably "into":

word when translated into other language can change

It's not necessary, but seems more correct to include an article before the 'author':

which obviously can’t illustrate the point that the author of this novel intended

That's all for now, but you did quite a good job in my opinion.

I'm obviously not a grammarian, so take my advices with a grain of salt :)

.Unexpected places give you unexpected returns

پیام‌های این موضوع
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RE: Grammar check and correction - توسط amypang - 05-05-2020, 06:38 AM
RE: Grammar check and correction - توسط Amir.Aria - 06-05-2020, 01:07 AM
RE: Grammar check and correction - توسط Mehrbod - 06-05-2020, 09:17 PM

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