فرگشت و روانشناسی فرگشتی در مورد رفتارهای انسانی بعنوان یک نوع حیوان مطالعه میکنه.یکی از اونها دین هست.در این تاپیک دین رو با نگاه فرگشتی بررسی میکنیم.
برای سوال اول خوب هست دوستان بگند بنظرشون دین یک تطبیق فرگشتی هست (Adaptation) یا یک محصول جانبی از پدیده ای دیگر؟
این ادیان یکی از یکی جالبترند !!
نقل قول:Ann Lee joined them by 1758 and soon assumed leadership of the small community. The loss of four children in infancy created great trauma for “Mother Ann,” as her followers later called her. She claimed numerous revelations regarding the fall of Adam and Eve and its relationship to sexual intercourse. She had become the “Mother of the new creation,” who called her followers to confess their sins, give up all their worldly goods, and take up the cross of celibacy. Her small community was soon known for its enthusiastic worship given to “singing and dancing, shaking and shouting, speaking with new tongues and prophesying, with all those various gifts of the Holy Ghost known in the primitive church.” The Shakers, as they were called, saw themselves as the avant garde of the kingdom of God, preparing the way for the new era when God’s will was done on earth. In the kingdom, as in the Shaker fellowship, there was “neither marrying nor giving in marriage.” Celibacy was a preparation for the kingdom
نقل قول:Although there were six thousand believers at the peak of the Shaker movement, there were only twelve Shaker communities left by 1920.[SUP][57][/SUP] In the United States, there was one remaining active Shaker community, at Sabbathday Lake, Maine, which as of January 2011 has only five members: Sister June Carpenter, Brother Arnold Hadd, and Sister Frances Carr (and two other brothers).
نقل قول:Some Shaker sites have become museums, including Hancock Shaker Village in Hancock, Massachusetts; Enfield Shaker Museum in Enfield, New Hampshire; the North Family in New Lebanon, New York (Mount Lebanon Shaker Village; photos at Mount Lebanon Shaker Society), Harvard, Massachusetts (Fruitlands); and the Pleasant Hill community in Kentucky. The Canterbury, New Hampshire, Shaker village was operating as a historic site even before its last member, Ethel Hudson, died in September 1992.
چه حوب میشه جنبش نقیون هم همینطور شه


بزارین یه آزمایش خیلی خیلی جدید رو بگم . ماله 1 یا 2 هفته پیشه.
برای من که حیرت انگیز بود و به شدت منتظر اخبار بعدیش هستم
یه عده مگس سرکه را درون بطری قرار دادن و بعد از ترتیب 2 فلاش و سپس 4 فلاش و بطری تکان میخورد و مگس های چسبیده به بطری ممکن بود آسیب ببینند.
این روند تا 40 نسل ادامه داشت.
نتیجه عجیبه ولی بعد از این نسل ها یا فلاش هم مگس ها از بطری جدا میشدن! ولی تکانی نبود!
یعنی ظرف مدت فقط 40 نسل به نوعی به فکرشان منتقل شده که آماده باشن.
فکر کنین به مدت 15 هزار سال به ما به زور گذاشتن که الله میاد میخورتتون! از پیامبر الله اطاعت کنین .
اگه انسان هم دارای همچین شیوه تکاملی ای باشه (هنوز نحوه اش مشخص نیست) چند صد تا آدم سودجو فکر کنم کافی بوده برای تبدیل شده به افکار غریزی مان.
شاید زیاد به بحث مربوط نبوده باشه ولی دونستنش خالی از لطف نیست
matmetal613 نوشته: چه حوب میشه جنبش نقیون هم همینطور شه
نه بابا،انشالاسپاگتی عباسیون نسلشان منقرض بشه باین شکل،ما به امام نقی ارادت داریم،البته اول از همه حضرت اسپاگتیست !!
من یه مطلب جالبی دیدم درباره رابطه دین و جنگ که این تاپیک رو زدم و اینکه ایندو همدیگه رو تشدید میکنند که میگزارم اینجا.احساسات دینی گویا از ابتدا بعنوان ابزاری برای موفقیت در جنگ مطرح بوده و از اونجا که جنگ در تاریخ انسان امروز معلوم شده که خیلی قدیمیتر از دوران کشاورزی و شهرنشینی هست میتونه محصول فرگشت باشه.
من هم درباره دین همینجور خواندهام که آورده شد، کارکردی چسب-مانند (glue-like) داشته و دارد.
برای زیر یک پرچم کردن یک قبیله یا شمار زیادی آدم هیچ چیز توانمندتر از دین و آیینهای دینی نبوده.
هماکنون هم آنچیزی که در جهان بیشترین پیروان را زیر سایه خود گرفته همان دین است.
پیک متمتال در این راستا بسیار گیرا بود، اینکه گرایش به دین را بتوان در ژنتیک پیدا کرد.
فکر میکنم یک تیل (نقطه) هم در مغز برای خدا یافته بودند که با برانگیزش کهربایی کس خداباور ناخداباور میشد!
Michael Persinger, a professor of psychology at Laurentian University in
Canada, published Neuropsychological Bases of God Beliefs in 1987. In it, he
argued that a specific neurological condition known as temporal lobe epilepsy
produces psychological states that are similar to the religious experiences
of people like Joan of Arc and St. Paul on the road to Damascus. Temporal
lobe epilepsy is different from other forms of epilepsy in that temporal lobe
epilepsy seizures do not involve convulsions, immobility, or loss of consciousness.
Instead, a person having a temporal lobe epilepsy seizure notices
a change in sensory perception, often involving changes in smells, sounds,
tastes, and phantom sensations in the skin. Some people also experience
cognitive changes such as déjà vu or jamais vu during a temporal lobe epileptic
seizure, and a significant fraction of these people also experience a
heightened sense of “religiosity,” including the sensation of an unseen,
supernatural presence.
Persinger developed a machine, often dubbed the “God helmet,” which
generates a weak magnetic field in and around the right temporal lobe of
the brain of a person wearing it. Approximately 80 percent of people tested
with the “God helmet” sense the presence of an unseen figure nearby,
which they usually interpret as a supernatural entity, such as a God-like figure
or the spirit of an absent or dead person. Persinger attributed this
response to the neurological “wiring” of the temporal lobes, which he suggested
is “wired” in many people to produce the sensations that most people
associate with religious experiences.
Vilayanur S. Ramachandran has also linked temporal lobe epilepsy and
other neurological effects to religious experiences. Ramachandran based his
work on the previous research of Norman Geschwind, a clinical psychiatrist.
Geschwind described a clinical syndrome (called Geschwind syndrome)
characterized by hypergraphia (the tendency to write long, detailed
arguments and descriptions, often on religious subjects), hyper-religiosity,
fainting spells, mutism (the inability to speak in certain social situations),
and pedantism (the tendency to discourse at length on obscure subjects,
especially the definitions of words and the fine points of grammar).
Geschwind hypothesized that this syndrome is a manifestation of one form
of mild temporal lobe epilepsy and suggested that it might explain the
behavior of some hyper-religious historical figures.
Ramachandran tested Geschwind’s hypothesis using a lie-detector-like
device that measures the electrical conductivity of the skin as an indirect
indication of emotional arousal. Ramachandran found that people with mild
temporal lobe epilepsy reacted differently to religious words than people
who did not have temporal lobe epilepsy. Specifically, Ramachandran found
that people with temporal lobe epilepsy responded more strongly than nonepileptic
subjects to religious words, less strongly than non-epileptic subjects
to sexual words, and about the same as non-epileptic subjects to neutral
Jeffrey Saver and John Rabin also studied the relationship between temporal
lobe epilepsy and extended their findings to neurological states generated
by the limbic system of the brain and to the neurochemical states generated
by the ingestion of hallucinogenic drugs. They pointed out that
close to a majority of Americans have reported having religious experiences,
characterized by sensations that included the belief that a specific
event was “supposed to happen,” that they were aware of “the presence
of God,” that “God had answered their prayers,” that they were being protected
(or at least watched) by an unseen presence (often characterized as
the spirit of an absent or dead person), that they felt the presence of a
“sacred spirit in Nature” or an “evil presence” or a profound sensation of
“unity with the cosmos.”
گرایش به دین برای ادم های بی عقل بی خرد ترسو و تنبل است وگرنه چه دلیلی دارد انسان خودشو درگیر تکالیف بی معنا کند.
دین هم از دیدگاه فرگشت بی معنا و خنده داره چون به کلی داستان خلقت رو زیر پرسش میبرد مثل کلیه ی داستان های متوهم ادیان...
شوربختانه فرگشت آنچنان هم به خرد و خردورزی بها نداده بیلبیلک گرامی.
کارکرد گزینش طبیعی (natural selection) تنها بجا ماندن گونههایی است که با پیرامونشان آداپته (سازوار) میشوند.
برای نمونه اندیشیدن زیاد از دید گزینش طبیعی بویژه در گذشته آنچنان سودمند نبوده، کسی که بجای جنگیدن و قدرتنمایی و گرفتن مادینههای و ... بیشتر
زمانش را به نشستن و اندیشیدن میگذرانده شانس کمتری هم برای بجا ماندن داشته. تنها در یک گاه زمانی شاید نه چندان دور به این سو بوده که با افزایش
آسودگی و رهایی از کار سخت هزینههای اندیشیدن به آسیبهای آن چربیده و کم کم سوگیری و احساس کور جای خود را به منطق و خردورزی دادند.
از همینرو خود دین هم گویا کارکرد فرگشتیک بسیار داشته، بویژه ویژگی چسبمانند (glue-like) آن که مایه گرد آمدن پیروان زیر یک پرچم باشد.