01-03-2014, 07:24 AM
حالا که حرف پاسکال هست ، بد نیست نظرش در مورد اسلام رو بدونیم !!!
نقل قول:As David Wetsel notes, Pascal's treatment of the pagan religions is brisk: "As far as Pascal is concerned, the demise of the pagan religions of antiquity speaks for itself. Those pagan religions which still exist in the New World, in India, and in Africa are not even worth a second glance. They are obviously the work of superstition and ignorance and have nothing in them which might interest 'les gens habiles' ('clever men')[SUP][22][/SUP]"[SUP][23][/SUP] Islam warrants more attention, being distinguished from paganism (which for Pascal presumably includes all the other non-Christian religions) by its claim to be a revealed religion. Nevertheless, Pascal concludes that the religion founded by Mohammed can on several counts be shown to be devoid of divine authority, and that therefore, as a path to the knowledge of God, it is as much a dead end as paganism.[SUP][24][/SUP] Judaism, in view of its close links to Christianity, he deals with elsewhere.[SUP][25][/SUP]