"Self-pity," said Gabriel, taking another cautious step, "is a destroyer of perspective. As my dear mother at the Yurkuti Embassy used to say, there are few problems that cannot be resolved by a bottle, a tumble, a cup of tea or a good night's sleep... Unfortunately, having emptied the bottle and enjoyed the tumble, she accidentally electrocuted herself while making a cup of tea prior to a good night's sleep. "
- Kronk
With few exceptions, those who dress outrageously are robust or even antifragile in reputation; those clean-shaven types who dress in suits and ties are fragile to information about them.
I’ve discovered a trick when giving lectures. I have been told by conference
organizers that one needs to be clear, to speak with the fake articulation of TV
announcers, maybe even dance on the stage to get the attention of the crowd. Some try
sending authors to “speech school”—the first time it was suggested to me I walked out,
resolved to change publishers on the spot. I find it better to whisper, not shout. Better to
be slightly inaudible, less clear. When I was a pit trader (one of those crazy people
who stand in a crowded arena shouting and screaming in a continuous auction), I
learned that the noise produced by the person is inverse to the pecking order: as with
mafia dons, the most powerful traders were the least audible. One should have enough
self-control to make the audience work hard to listen, which causes them to switch into
intellectual overdrive.
This paradox of attention has been a little bit investigated: there
is empirical evidence of the effect of “disfluency.”
Nietzsche’s famous expression “what does not kill me makes me stronger” can be
easily misinterpreted as meaning Mithridatization or hormesis. It may be one of these
two phenomena, very possible, but it could as well mean “what did not kill me did not
make me stronger, but spared me because I am stronger than others; but it killed others
and the average population is now stronger because the weak are gone.”
نقل قول:یک انقلاب ارزش مردن ندارد مگر اینکه پیمان ببندد که بی درنگ جلوی کیفر مرگ را بگیرد!
نقل قول:روش علمی،به همان اندازه که در بنیانش ساده است با سختی زیادی بدست آورده شده و هنوز شمار کمی آن را به کار میبرند و همان ها هم فقط کارکردش را برای شمار کمی از پرسش ها محدود میکنند.
نقل قول:این نمونه نشان میدهد که روش علمی تا حدی برای انسان غیر طبیعیست و بیشتر باورهای ما ناشی از آرزومند اندیشیستخب اینجا جمله نتیجه گیری یک داستان طولانیه که من خلاصشو میگم:
نقل قول:او به مردم همانند چیزها نگاه می کرد،مرد جوانی که عصبی به نطر میرسید و یک کارمند دادگاه به خاطر آن نگاه از او متنفر بودند.
نقل قول:مرد جوان از او خواست سیگارش را روشن کند و با او وارد یک گفتگو شد و حتی کمی او رو هل داد، تا به ورونسکی این احساس را بدهد که او یک چیز نیست؛بلکه یک انسان است ولی ورونسکی به او طوری زل زده بود که گویی یک چراغ بود.مرد جوان اخمی کرد به خاطر اینکه حس میکرد زیر فشار این به رسمیت شناخته نشدن دارد کنترلش را از دست میدهد.
نقل قول:ورونسکی هیچ چیز و هیچ کس را نمیدید.او احساس یک پادشاه را داشت، نه به این خاطر که باور داشت اثری روی آنا گذاشته است(هنوز این را باور نداشت)بلکه به خاطر اثر آنا روی خودش به او شادمانی و غرور میداد.