Russell نوشته: well !!
My love for philosophy is true and I think I have analytic mind 
but I know a little bite math too
Well then, that wasn't the whole deal though :)
I'll get on a full perceptual analysis! on you later 
And Since no one's gonna start the thread, I'll do it myself starting with anarchy.
Anarchy looks like a very quiet person to me, the smart and introverted type of guy.
He's interested in philosophy for sure, but not as much as our other members are. It just seems to me that he doesn't really care much about anything but people, people are his primary interest.
As I said above, he's got a thing for psychology and so likes to analyze people and find out about their motives and motivations in life, and he does so by looking into such minuscule details that nobody else seems to be even aware of!
This might not be true at all, but I think his self-esteem isn't as high as it should be. The way I imagine him is someone who likes to doubt himself every once in a while, just for the sake of doubting!
He's got a vast interest in many different topics too, including but not limited to computers, genetics, politics, the human psyche and sociology.
He also talks when absolutely necessary, but then he reads almost everything and keeps track of all the different things that he's read. I don't know how exactly he does it, but it either requires an extraordinarily good memory, or a very organized approach; my bets are on the former.
Overall this is what he is or at least tries to be on the internet, in real life I guess he isn't atl east as much intorverted as I imagined