Khshathra Vairya
aka: Shahrewar
One of the Amesha Spentas, Khshathra vairya ("desirable dominion") is the personification of desirable dominion and is associated with metal. He is the protector of the poor even though he would rather defend royalty. He enforces peace by using his weapons. His attributes are the helmet, the shield and the spear. The sixth month is dedicated to him. His eternal op
ponent is the archdemon Saurva.
Khshathra Vairya means "Righteous Power" Denotes the "Power" to settle in peace. It is chosen by free and wise people as their ideal order in spirit and matter. It is democracy in mind and body, in thought, words and deeds in every social activity. He symbolizes self-control to include one's desires and sensory organs from being stimulated by objects of sense as well as good authority which ushers in prosperity and the Kingdom of God.
In the Zoroastrian cosmology, Khshathra Vairya was derived from the divine principal of Vohum Mana (Good Thoughts) and its role is the thought-beings, protected by Asha Vahishta and guided by Spenta Armaiti, which would live harmoniously and would enjoy perpetual bliss.
Vohu Manah, from its inception in the ‘void’ to its materialisation as Khshathra Vairya and its final struggle for perfection and immortality, is a thought world. In short, Khshathra Vairya is a cosmic prototype for the ‘real’ and immortal world to come, the world of Ahura Mazda, i.e. heaven that would be ruled by divinely ordained mythical monarchs based on goodness and love, until the appearance of God’s ‘only’ and the true prophet, Zarathushtra ( Zoroaster).
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