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تفاوت‌های زن و مرد در ساختار مغزی، جسمی و ...

بحث من با یکی از دوستانم در محیط واقعی سبب شد به نتایجی جالب دست یابم که تاکنون نمی دانستم.شما هم بارها وقتی سخن از هوشمندی مردان گفته اید با این پاسخ روبرو شده اید که:"کی گفته؟ تحقیقات میگه زنا میانگین هوششون از مردا بیشتره."
نخست اینکه این ادعا به خودی خود نیاز به اثبات دارد و اگر روز و شب در رسانه ها و روزنامه های دوزاری و عوام فریب میخوانید که بله زنان میانگین آی کیو شان از مردان بیشتر است باید بدانید که اگر یکی دو پژوهش نا معتبر که معلوم نیست چه کسی و بر چه مبنایی انجام داده دلیلی بر این ادعا نیست.بله درست است که این شکاف بسیار ناچیز است و گاهی اوقات می توان از آن چشم پوشی کرد، اما بسیاری از تحقیقات برتری مردان را حتی در همین زمینه(میانگین آی کیو) نشان می دهند.

نقل قول:n a study accepted for publication by the British Journal of Psychology, Dr. Paul Irwing (Manchester Business School, Senior Lecturer in Organizational Psychology) and Prof. Richard Lynn (University of Ulster, Professor Emeritus) conclude that men are on average five points ahead on IQ tests

Sex Differences in IQ

نقل قول:The paper that supports the conventional wisdom is Jensen, A. R., & Reynolds, C. R. (1983). It finds that
females have a 101.41 mean IQ with a 13.55 standard deviation versus males that have a 103.08 mean IQ with a 14.54 standard deviation.

کاری هم به این نداریم که این میان رییس دانشگاه هاروارد را به جرم سکسیست بودن وادار کردند که استعفا کند چرا که گفته بود مردا هوشمند تر از زنان هستند:
نقل قول:In 2005 Lawrence Summers resigned from his position as the president of Harvard due to sexist remarks that he had made during a speech the previous year about the intelligence of women in comparison to men. According to Summers, the reason that there is an unequal percentage of men and women as phD candidates and as professors was the fact that men have a higher IQ than women on average, and that men are more adept at working jobs with a higher level of intelligence.

نگاه کنید به این پژوهش:
نقل قول:Professor Richard Lynn, a British psychologist, wrote an extremely controversial article in 2010 supporting Summers claim whole heartedly that women are less intelligent than men, and that the unequal distribution of women in the field of science and math is justified by this difference.

[عکس: 52.jpg]In the article, Lynn attributes the difference between men and women to the age old Hunter-Gatherer dynamic. When men hunted to gather food they had the difficult task of strategizing before the kill, giving them a series of complex thoughts and ideas to wrestle with daily. Because of the dynamic between Hunters and Gatherers, who were predominantly female, Lynn argues that men, "must have possessed far sharper minds than those of women engaged in the relatively simple tasks of gathering berries and raising children." This early difference in intelligence, according to Lynn, has carried on into the present day, as men on average have bigger brains than women (even after adjusting for difference in size).

اگر خود شما هم کمی بگردید می توانید پژوهش های بسیاری را در این مورد بیابید اما نکته ی مهم تر از "میانگین آی کیو" اختلاف میان مردان و زنان در آی کیو های بالای 130 است،جایی که تقریبا تمام دانشمندان تاثیر گذار تاریخ متعلق به این دسته بوده اند:

در همان پژوهش نخست می بینیم که:

نقل قول:The study also found that men outnumbered women in increasing numbers as intelligence levels rise. There were twice as many with IQ scores of 125, a level typical for people with first-class degrees. When scores rose to 155, a level associated with genius, there were 5.5 men for every woman.

یا این یکی:
نقل قول:[عکس: 53.jpg]
Instead, the areas under the curve show that at the high extreme, such as the Mensa or gifted cut-off IQ of 130 (indicated by the red arrow) and above, there are significantly more males than females who qualify.

[عکس: 54.jpg]


Male and female mean IQs are about equal below the age of 15 but males have a higher mean IQ from age 15 on. The effect of sex differences in IQ is largest at the high extreme of intelligence. Since many of the more prestigious roles in society are associated with high IQ, the lack of female representation in these roles may be partially due to fewer females being competitive at the highest levels.

Population sex differences in IQ at age 11[/URL]

نقل قول:There were no significant mean differences in cognitive test scores between boys and girls, but there was a highly significant differencein their standard deviations (P<.001). Boys were over-represented at the low and high extremes of cognitive ability. These findings, the first to be presented from a whole population, might in part explain such cognitive outcomes as the slight excess of men achieving first class university degrees,
and the excess of males with learning difficulties

Sex differences in mental test scores, variability, and numbers of high-scoring individuals.

نقل قول:An analysis of mental test scores from six studies that used national probability samples provided evidence that although average sex differences have been generally small and stable over time, the test scores of males consistently have larger variance. Except in tests of reading comprehension, perceptual speed, and associative memory, males typically outnumber females substantially among high-scoring individuals.

پیام‌های این موضوع
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