04-09-2016, 11:58 AM
Mehrbod نوشته: نام این فیلم مرا یاد فیلم بلند Uncanny (2015) - IMDb انداخت, که آنهم دیدنی بود.
متاسفانه ندیدمش. باید حتما ببینمش.
"De omnibus dubitandum"
"Ubi dubium ibi libertas"
"I, like Shakespear, believe that the world is a stage. But the tragedy is not in the script. The tragedy is that there is no script"
"Ubi dubium ibi libertas"
"I, like Shakespear, believe that the world is a stage. But the tragedy is not in the script. The tragedy is that there is no script"