07-18-2014, 11:31 AM
Different opinions
In a chess tournament played exactly a hundred years ago the following position occurred:
white to move
- An amateur, who had strolled by the board, whispered to a friend: "The black pawn on a2 is going to queen, and White can do absolutely nothing to stop it. So Black is winning!"
- His friend, a stronger player, didn't agree: "Come on, wake up! White plays 1.Rh7! a1Q 2.Rxb7+ Ka3 3.Ra7+ Kb2 4.Rxa1 Kxa1. It's a clear win for White!"
- At the board White, an expert player, studied the position for a while and then resigned! He stretched out his hand and said to his opponent: "It's quite hopeless, really. After 1.Rh7 you play 1...Ka5 2.Rxb7 Ka6 3.Rb8 Ka7 and I can't stop you from getting the queen. So Black obviously wins."
- His opponent, who was an even stronger player, accepted his resignation and then, to the horror of the white player, said: "Actually I was just about to resign myself. I saw that after 1.Rh7! Ka5 you simply play 2.Rh8! The a-pawn is lost and the game is over. So actually White was winning."